Fabrice Roy

11 sept. 2022

Monet in Argenteuil

Claude Monet spent 7 years of his life in Argenteuil where he settled in 1871 after having stayed in London during the war of 1870, then in Zandaam, in Holland. On the occasion of the "Heritage Days" on September 17 and 18, the public will be able to discover the "Impressionist House", the painter's home during the last four years of his stay in Argenteuil.

Edouard Manet. Claude Monet in his studio boat. 1874. Neue Pinakothek München

Through the intermediary of the Manet who knew the owners (the Aubry-Vitets), Monet rented a house with his wife Camille and their son Jean for an annual rent of 1000 francs, payable in four instalments. In October 1874, he moved into a brand new pavilion built by a carpenter from Argenteuil. Alexandre-Adonis Flament. The rent is fixed at 1400 francs per year. Located opposite the station, the "pink house with green shutters" housed the painter and his family until 1877. The latter welcomed his friends there, including Auguste Renoir, who painted him in his garden, and Edouard Manet, which represents him with Camille in his boat-studio. In February 1876, Monet hosted Paul Cézanne and Victor Chocquet for lunch at his house.

Auguste Renoir: Claude Monet painting in his garden at Argenteuil. 1873. Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford, Connecticut.

The years spent in Argenteuil will be among the most fruitful of Claude Monet's career. He will paint 259 paintings there, half of which represent views of the city, its bridges, the Seine.

Claude Monet The Seine at Argenteuil. 1874. Neue Pinakothek München

Bought by the city in 2003, Claude Monet's house and its garden have been completely renovated and offer the public an environment and a scenography that recreate the atmosphere of the painter's paintings.

The "pink house with green shutters" © DR

La Maison Impressionniste

21 bd Karl-Marx

95100 Argenteuil

In his art history lectures, Fabrice Roy combines the past with the present, in a poetic and playful evocation of the French 19th century...